Who's the Shadow? / シャドウ

Who’s the Shadow? is about Ousuke Gamo, a boy whose luck would give the Baudelaires’ a run for its money. First his mom dies, and then his best friend’s mom dies, and then his best friend gets hit by a car. And that’s just the start of the book.

The Devotion of Suspect X / 容疑者Xの献身

I had The Devotion of Suspect X on my bookshelf for a while. It was famous and supposed to be really good, so I eagerly bought it. Then I realized it was technically third in the “Detective Galileo” series, so I bought and read Detective Galileo. And any interest I had in reading Suspect X dissipated. I hadn’t abandoned it completely—it was famous, after all—but I had no active desire to read it anymore. I figured I’d get around to it eventually… and eventually has finally come.

Fortunately, The Devotion of Suspect X is much, much better than the Detective Galileo stories, structured as an actual mystery novel and not a series of cheap science fair experiments. I didn’t love it, but I did enjoy it.

The Maid

The Maid needs to clean up its act. Ostensibly it’s a cozy mystery, but in reality it’s more like a contrived, saccharine story about an autistic woman overcoming adversity to find happiness.

It Walks By Night

It Walks By Night is the debut novel of John Dickson Carr, and much better than the other one. It features one of Carr’s recurring detectives, Henri Bencolin of the French police, and, naturally, a locked room murder. As a first novel, it seems emblematic—clever and bold, but a bit underdeveloped.

It Walks By Night / 夜歩く

It Walks By Night is an awful book that no one should read. This isn’t going to be a roast, because it’s not that kind of awful, but I think the tone of this review has been set. It Walks By Night takes place almost immediately before The Village of Eight Graves and features a fantastic atmosphere involving sleepwalking, a supremely dysfunctional family, and a cursed sword, but wastes it all.

Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane

Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane is, as you might surmise from the title, an Ace Attorney-inspired murder mystery video game. (Games in that sub-genre are never particularly subtle about their inspiration.) The main feature that differentiates Tyrion Cuthbert is the fact that it takes place in a fantasy world with magic. Well, I suppose technically Ace Attorney has already done that, but unlike that game, where the use of magic itself was the crime, here we’re solving crimes that just happen to take place in a world with magic.

Triangle Strategy / トライアングルストラテジー

Normally I’m not a fan of strategy RPGs, but the stars aligned for me and Triangle Strategy. I played the demo when it first came out, and it piqued my interest. It seemed to have more JRPG trappings than Fire Emblem, and the lack of permadeath eliminated the main source of stress I had when I tried Fire Emblem. This year I was in the whim for a Switch RPG that required some thinking but could also be easily picked up and put down, so on a semi-whim I bought Triangle Strategy, and now, over 100 hours later, here I am.

Replaceable Summer / 夏のレプリカ

In the opening paragraph of my Illusion Acts Like Magic review, I described how Moe met her high school friend Tomoe Minosawa, and then never mentioned Tomoe again, and you might have thought that was kind of weird. First, that’s exactly what Illusion Acts Like Magic does, so Mori was weird first. Second, I was going somewhere with that! (And so was Mori.) While Tomoe is never mentioned again in Illusion Acts Like Magic, her adventure continues in Replaceable Summer, the next book in the S&M series, which takes place concurrently with Illusion Acts Like Magic.

Illusion Acts Like Magic / 幻惑の死と使途

Illusion Acts Like Magic begins with Moe meeting her friend Tomoe Minosawa and going to a magic show. Saikawa was supposed to come as well (a date!) but backs out at the last second because Saikawa. Tomoe is Moe’s best friend from high school. For a long time Tomoe saw Moe as an academic rival, while Moe… had no idea Tomoe existed. But once Tomoe confronted Moe they became fast friends. Anyway, Tomoe doesn’t have anything to do with the rest of the book. At the magic show Moe receives an ad for an upcoming magic show at a local park, and that’s where the plot of the book really begins.

Special Report Division / 特殊報道部

Who doesn’t like a good conspiracy theory? There are plenty of allegedly supernatural phenomena out there. Personally, I’m a skeptic. Despite the fact that there are now significant portions of the world where almost everyone has a camera on their person at all times, concrete proof of such phenomena has yet to emerge. But the allure of these types of mysteries is undeniable, and Special Report Division is a fun excursion into a world where these stories are more than just urban legend.

Medium - The Medium Detective Hisui Jouzuka / メディウム 霊媒探偵城塚翡翠

Shirou Kougetsu is your ordinary, run-of-the-mill Japanese mystery novelist. He writes novels, goes on wacky adventures with teenage sidekicks, and assists the police with actual murder investigations. You know, the usual. One day a college friend, Yuika (who’s a pretty young woman, obviously), tells Shirou that she recently got an odd reading at a psychic and feels a spirit has been following her ever since. In order to learn about this spirit, she asks Kougetsu to accompany her to visit a medium—the mysterious, delicate, and stunningly beautiful Hisui Jouzuka.

At the meeting Hisui demonstrates her powers, warns Yuika that she’s in danger, and asks to make a home visit to investigate further. However, when Hisui and Kougetsu go to visit Yuika, it’s too late—she’s been murdered in her apartment. The police suspect a break-in gone wrong, but Hisui tells Kougetsu that the culprit is a woman. Thus begins a partnership between medium and novelist: Hisui forms a conclusion using her power, and then Kougetsu uses his knowledge and experience as a mystery novelist to find evidence to back up Hisui’s findings (since they can’t just go to the police and directly report Hisui’s magic powers).

As Kougetsu and Hisui solve cases, we see interludes from the perspective of a serial killer who has been abducting and murdering beautiful young women. He’s extremely methodical and careful, and thus has avoided leaving any traces or clues for the police so far. He’s convinced himself that the only way someone would be able to catch him is with supernatural powers….

I hated Medium when I was reading it. I loved Medium when I finished.

And Then They Never Die / そして誰も死ななかった

The protagonist of And Then They Never Die, Ushio Oomata, is a sleazebag. He’s crass, rude, and a fraud—he’s a mystery novelist, but the only book he published was actually a manuscript he found among his dead father’s belongings. That book becomes a massive success, and Ushio decides to play along with the role, despite being uneducated, uncultured, and completely ignorant of the mystery genre. At least until he encounters a certain woman.

Ten years later, Ushio is a financially stable sleazebag. He works for an at-home health (read as: prostitution) company. One day he receives an invitation from a mystery novelist to a party on a private island celebrating the novelist’s career. (Despite being a one-hit wonder, Ushio is still known to the world as an author.) Ushio brushes off the invitation until he discovers one of the girls at his company moonlights as a mystery writer—and also received an invitation.

The pair and three other mystery novelists set out for the island, which contains nothing but the host's mansion and studio. However, when they arrive, their host is nowhere to be found, and five dolls have been set up in the dining room. With five four mystery writers (and one sleazebag) present, it doesn’t take them long to figure out what the dolls mean. The group is essentially stranded on the island (their boat lost some fuel on the ride over and doesn’t have enough for the return trip), so they resolve to take precautionary measures that night and figure out what to do tomorrow—which is not cautious enough, since someone massacres all five overnight.


is a dungeon-crawling fantasy board game. First released in 2017, it revolutionized the genre and was hailed as one of the best co-op board games of all time thanks to its intricate mechanics, deep customization, wealth of secrets to unlock, and branching story. In 2019, Flaming Fowl Studios released a digital version (in early access, which was completed in 2021), which I played, so I can now confirm that the accolades Gloomhaven received are undoubtedly well-earned. While the digital version massively streamlined many points of the experience, it also introduced a few annoyances.