Still Life With Pistol

Sometimes you just want to try something new. For instance, you could try checking out a book by an author you haven't read before, or bringing your girlfriend to a secluded art retreat.

Sometimes doing something new gives you a fresh and unique experience, but other times, even if things start out well, at the end the book ends up being not that great, or someone ends up dead.

Still Life

Three Pines is a small, idyllic town tucked away in rural Quebec where everybody knows everyone and nobody locks their doors. Jane Neal, an elderly spinster, has submitted a drawing to the local art show and invited her friends to celebrate at her house, the first time in the history of the town she has offered to show her art or her home to anyone. Unfortunately, she is soon found murdered in the woods, sending the small town reeling. Just what secret was hidden in her art or her home that drove one of the villagers to murder?